A complete pedigree is often a work of great labour, and its finished form is frequently a work of art. Karl Pearson, 1912.




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User Manuals

  1. The TeX Package User Manual
  2. The Perl Input Processor User Manual


  1. B. Veytsman and L. Akhmadeeva. Drawing medical pedigree trees with TEX and PSTricks, PracTEX J., 4, 2006, https://www.tug.org/pracjourn/2006-4/veytsman.
    Reprinted in: B. Veytsman and L. Akhmadeeva. Drawing medical pedigree trees with TEX and PSTricks, TUGboat, 28(1), 100-109, 2007, http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb28-1/tb88veytsman-pedigree.pdf.
  2. L. Akhmadeeva. Using a New Package for Drawing Pedigrees for Teaching Medical Genetics. Eur. J. Hum. Gen., 15, Suppl. 1, 338, 2007.
  3. B. Veytsman and L. Akhmadeeva. Medical pedigrees: Typography and interfaces, TUGboat, 30(2), 227-235, 2009, https://www.tug.org/members/TUGboat/tb30-2/tb95veytsman-pedigree.pdf

Video Presentations

  1. Medical pedigrees with TeX and PSTricks: New advances and challenges, TUG2008
  2. Medical pedigrees: typography and interfaces, TUG2009

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