A complete pedigree is often a work of great labour, and its finished form is frequently a work of art. Karl Pearson, 1912.




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Thanks for visiting the site about medical pedigrees—an important tool for researchers, geneticists, students and educators. You can find more about pedigrees in the papers in our bibliography section.

We provide a set of free programs for creating high quality pedigrees based on TeX and PostScript. Check out the download section. You may also want to browse the documentation.

You can try to make a pedigree without downloading on installing anything with the online version of our programs. Please read the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy before uploading anything to our site.


2018/05/19: Updated screenshots.

2010/05/04: Now you can retrieve a previously saved pedigree.

2010/05/03: Updated screenshots.

2010/01/04: New help function in the online tool. Just move your mouse over the column headers in the table.

2010/01/04: Support for arbitrary family size in online tool.

2009/12/23: New screenshots.

2009/12/18: Now you can create a pedigree chart online.

2009/12/11: The site is launched!

$Revision: 1.10 $ $Date: 2018/05/20 02:05:16 $

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